Have you ever looked at the contents of a trash barrel at any of the town’s sports fields during the outd
oor sport seasons. Chances are that you would find over half the “trash” in the barrel is actually recyclable water and sport drink bottles. With the defeat of the Proposition 2 recycling bill in 2014, there is no incentive for bottle and can collectors to raid these trash cans or collect the non-deposit bottles that accumulate in the woods surrounding the fields. It is our hope that if we can place a clearly marked recycling barrel next to each of the trash barrels at the town fields,spectators and team participants will place their bottles and cans in these barrels for recycling, especially if encouraged to do so by Parks Department instructions. The Parks Department seems to need more of a push from Miltonites to prioritize recycling, so if you would like to see it happen perhaps speaking to your town meeting member will help. In the meantime, if your kids are participating in a town sports have them bring their recycling home.
A variety of earth friendly businesses accept hazardous waste within a close proximity to Milton, so don’t toss that waste into your trash! Your actions matter.
Most waste can be recycled curbside on Wednesday and Thursdays,dropped of at Milton’s Department of Public Works (DPW) located at 629 Randolph Ave. the first Saturday of each month or at other nearby stores and recycling centers (locate via Earth 911 now).
Textiles (nice or worn, as long as they are clean) can be dropped off anytime at any one of the white bins located in the parking lots at ALL Milton Public Schools (except Tucker – due to limited space).
Please click on the Town of Milton link in green above for the latest information. Some of this maybe dated. Larger items as well as toxic items can be dropped off at the DPW’s Recycling Center. The Center is open the first Saturday of each month and its hours of operation are 9 am –noon.
The Recycling Center no longer accepts cash or personal checks. Drop-off costs areas follows:
• TVs and computers — $9 each. Just put 3 (three) $3 stickers on each item.
• Refrigerators, air conditioners, de-humidifiers –$9 each. Just place 3 $3 stickers on each item. (Please remove refrigerator doors before bringing to Recycling Center.)
• All other drop-off items are free. These include:
• Metal items (including hot water heaters, stoves, washers and dryers, file cabinets, bikes, grills (remove fuel), etc.;
• Books (hardcover and soft cover in good condition);
• Fluorescent bulbs; compact fluorescent bulbs
• Items containing mercury(thermometers, thermostats, also elemental mercury); and
• Non-alkaline batteries (rechargeable batteries, etc.).
Please note that household ‘alkaline’ batteries (AAA, C, D, etc.) are not considered hazardous and should be thrown out in your regular trash.